Blog tasks: Ideology

Blog tasks: Ideology

Part 1: BBC Question Time analysis

Watch this clip from BBC Question Time with Russell Brand and Nigel Farage. The BBC deliberately placed the two against each other and the episode resulted in far more people than usual watching and reacting on social media.

1) What examples of binary opposition can you suggest from watching this clip?

Hate and Love from Nigel Farage.

2) What ideologies are on display in this clip?

The ideologies on display are: Socialist, social welfare, conservative, Liberal, immigration restriction.

Part 2: Media Magazine reading

Media Magazine issue 52 has two good articles on Ideology. You need to read those articles (our Media Magazine archive is here) and complete a few short tasks linked to them. 

Page 34: The World Of Mockingjay: Ideology, Dystopia And Propaganda

1) Read the article and summarise it in one sentence.

The media is manipulating people to behave in certain ways using power, also through tv(news).

2) What view of capitalist ideology is presented in the Hunger Games films?

To make sure that the people are trapped there forever.

3) What do the Hunger Games films suggest about the power of the media to shape and influence ideological beliefs?

How the media can be very controlling and powerful, this can impact someone negatively as they can get easily influenced were they adopt those belief and spread it around even if its fake.

Page 48: They Live - Understanding Ideology

1) What are the four accepted ideological beliefs in western societies highlighted by the article?

consumer goods is fulfilment and that marriage/family/children brings happiness and,  obedience/Work is fulfilment, Finally Money brings happiness.

2) What does Gramsci's theory of hegemony suggest about power and ideology in society?

Gramsci theory of Hegemony suggests that people will be able to ignore the ideology in society if they are satisfied and happy.

3) What does French theorist Louis Althusser suggest about ideology and consumerism?

He suggest that ideology is the power of our life using 2 key forms of control: Repressive State Control, which means the people that rule for example the police, the second one is ‘Ideological State Apparatuses 'which is other things in power such as the media.
he suggest that  ideology does not "reflect" the real world but "represents" the "imaginary relationship of individuals"

4) Do YOU agree with the idea behind They Live - that we are unthinkingly controlled by the media which is run in the interests of the economic elite? These are the big questions of A Level Media!

I think yes as we do get very easily influenced by the people on the media, this can influence us terribly as we will adopt beliefs we dont even believe in or buy things we dont even like because it worn by influencers or said by influencers, however there are some people in this world who are aware the media  is manipulating, and they dont adapt these beliefs and make their own decisions.


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