OSP assessment learner response
Your learner response is as follows:
1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).
WWW: Some attempt at applying Hall reception theory to the unseen google home advert.
EBI: Your 25- mark Q response is too descriptive of the OSP CSP is rather than validating how they determine vlues and ideoligies of their industries- see the mark scheme for indiactive context.
2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify three specific aspects from Figure 1 (the Google Home advert) that you could have mentioned in your answer (e.g. selection of image, framing and focus, colour, text etc.)
Dominant or preferred readings:
• Positions the Google Home device as at the heart of aspirational family life.
• Links Google brand to vision of ideal family life – creative play with parent; coloured pencils,
paint bottle and corner of child’s picture all reinforce creativity and colour.
• Repetition of the word ‘home’ creates connotations of safety, warmth and comfort
Oppositional or counter-hegemonic readings:
• Reinforces white, western, middle-class representation of family life to the exclusion of
other backgrounds (race/ethnicity, sexuality, age, class). Presents the white, western ‘2.4
children’ average as desirable, aspirational lifestyle – some audiences will reject this.
• Google presenting its smart speaker as a ‘natural’ part of home life will be strongly rejected
by audiences concerned with data, privacy and the power technology companies such as
Google have in modern western societies.
Assessment Objectives – AO1 1b, AO2 2 and AO2 3
• Basic understanding of the theoretical framework of media demonstrated through
engagement with more straightforward aspects of the theory and argument, this is
likely to be limited.
• Basic application of knowledge and understanding to evaluate Hesmondhalgh’s
ideas though there is likely to be a lack of clarity or relevance.
• There may be a tendency to simply describe features of the set product rather
than evaluate the theory.
• Satisfactory understanding of the theoretical framework of media demonstrated
through engagement with generally obvious or straightforward aspects of the
theory and argument.
• Satisfactory, generally accurate application of knowledge and understanding to
evaluate Hesmondhalgh’s ideas.
• Evaluation is reasonable and straightforward, although there may be a tendency to
apply rather than evaluate Hesmondhalgh’s ideas.
• Judgements and conclusions regarding the validity of Hesmondhalgh’s ideas are
sensible and supported with some appropriate reference to relevant aspects of the
set products.
introduction: I should link David Hesmondhalgh to the question, i should ecplain his theory and say if i agrree or disagree.
- i should link it to other theorists to supooirt my point and link it to the voice and Taylor Swift.
Conclusion: make judgements and draw conclusions
- learn all theorists.
- see how i can link the theoriests to each CSP.
- phrase it more formal, and not repeat myslef.
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