first blog task

 1) Why did you choose A Level Media Studies?
 I chose A Level Media Studies because I am intrigued to learn the effects media has on people, and i love analysing the background of movies, music etc. 

 2) Did you take GCSE Media Studies (either here at Greenford or a different school)? 
 No, I did not take media GCSE in Greenford high school or at all but I took drama and psychology instead for my gcse. 

 3) If you answered yes to Q2, what grade did you achieve in GCSE Media? 
What coursework task did you complete? What would you say your strengths and weaknesses were in GCSE Media? 

 4) What grade do you hope to achieve in A Level Media? 
 I am aiming to achieve an A*! 

 5) What are your current thoughts about your next steps after A Levels - university, apprenticeship, work?

 I would love to go into apprenticeship as I love working and interacting with other people

 6) What do you think the biggest MEDIA story of 2023 has been and why?
 I think the biggest media story is the queens death.

7) What media sources do you use to find out about news and current affairs?
 I use the BBC news app on my phone to find out about the latest news or through social media which is less likely to be true or reliable. 

 8) What was the last film you watched? 
 The trench directed by Ben Wheatly, and the movie was about getting stuck in the deep deep end of the oceans where all the megalodons were waiting to have a small feast. 

9) What is your favourite ever TV series?
 I love baby daddy. It's a hilarious sitcom series. 

10) How many hours do you spend online on an average day? Is this too little, too much or about right? Why? (If you have an iPhone you can use Screen Time to get an accurate figure of how much you use your phone).
 I spend about 4 hours on a school day as i am at school for half the day not using my phone i dont thinks it's much as the 4 hours do include searching things to help with the course work and also socials.


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