
Showing posts from January, 2024

MIGRAIN: January assessment learner response

  Your learner response is as follows: 1) Type up your feedback in  full  (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). WWW: Tharnika, some attempts at giving your opinion on audience effects theories but still too descriptive of the theories which is not required. EBI: Lots of gaps in your knowledge displayed throughout and this is largely due to missing blog work. 2) Read  the mark scheme for this assessment carefully . Identify at least  one  potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment. Question 1 was to a pply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media to analyse media products, which means I should have considered costume, lighting, action, make-up, props, and setting. However I wrote about the place it was set which was inaccurate. 3) On a scale of 1-10 (1 = low, 10 = high), how much revision and preparation did you do for this assessment? You may also want to ...

Representation: blog tasks

  Representation: blog tasks Create a new blogpost called 'Representation blog tasks'.  Read the Media Magazine feature 'Representation old and new'. This is in MM51 on page 6 - go to  our Media Magazine archive  to find the article. Complete the following tasks: 1) Why is representation an important concept in Media Studies? Traditionally, the power to create  representations has been in the hands of  media producers working within media  institutions. In ‘old’ pre-digital media  forms this is still true. A film director  makes choices which will determine how  s/he will represent the city in which the  story is set; a TV producer will decide  if a positive or negative presentation  of the subject will be created; 2) How does the example of Kate Middleton show the way different meanings can be created in the media? The photograph of Kate Middleton in the newspaper is a re-presentation of what she looks like...

Representation: blog tasks

  Representation: blog tasks Create a new blogpost called 'Representation blog tasks'.  Read the Media Magazine feature 'Representation old and new'. This is in MM51 on page 6 - go to  our Media Magazine archive  to find the article. Complete the following tasks: 1) Why is representation an important concept in Media Studies? Representaion is important concept because it is everything you are shown. 2) How does the example of Kate Middleton show the way different meanings can be created in the media? By looking at any pictures the audiences can interperet many things from it,for example the picture of her holding the drink may seem like she may having drinking problems or may be an alcoholics,the editor had many pictures but chose  to publish this to cause many opinions on the post.    3) Summarise the section 'The how, who and why of media representation' in 50 words. 4) How does Stuart Hall's theory of preferred and oppositional readings fit wit...