Representation: blog tasks

 Representation: blog tasks

Create a new blogpost called 'Representation blog tasks'. 

Read the Media Magazine feature 'Representation old and new'. This is in MM51 on page 6 - go to our Media Magazine archive to find the article. Complete the following tasks:

1) Why is representation an important concept in Media Studies?

Representaion is important concept because it is everything you are shown.

2) How does the example of Kate Middleton show the way different meanings can be created in the media?

By looking at any pictures the audiences can interperet many things from it,for example the picture of her holding the drink may seem like she may having drinking problems or may be an alcoholics,the editor had many pictures but chose  to publish this to cause many opinions on the post.  

3) Summarise the section 'The how, who and why of media representation' in 50 words.

4) How does Stuart Hall's theory of preferred and oppositional readings fit with representation?

The audience may not agree with the producerrs intentions as they may have a different views for themselves from what they see.

5) How has new technology changed the way representations are created in the media?

Technology has changed the way representaions are created in the media as now they can express their own opinions and share through social media.

6) What example is provided of how national identity is represented in Britain - and how some audiences use social media to challenge this?

In 2014,Sun sent out free newspaprs to people houses,around 22 million houses.and through socil media the sudiences expressed their opinons on the comments.

Watch the clip from Luther that we studied in class (Season 1, Episode 1 - minute 7.40-10.00 - you'll need your Greenford Google login to access the clip). Now answer these final two questions:

7) Write a paragraph analysing the dominant and alternative representations you can find in the clip from Luther.

8) Write a paragraph applying a selection of our representation theories to the clip from Luther. Our summary of each theory may help you here:

Levi-Strauss: representation and ideology
Mulvey: the male gaze
Dyer: stereotyping and power
Medhurst: value judgements
Perkins: some stereotypes can be positive or true


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