Feminist theory: blog tasks

 Feminist theory: blog tasks

Media Magazine reading - two articles on feminism and theory

Read Playing With The Past: Post-feminism and the Media (MM40, page 64 - our Media Magazine archive is here). This is a great example of sophisticated media analysis and an indication of the level we want to be writing at by the end of the two-year course.

1) What examples are provided from the two texts of the 'male gaze' (Mulvey)?

The example provided is, HBO’s Pan Am and Beyoncé’s and music video for ‘Why Don’t You Love Me’.

2) Do texts such as these show there is no longer a need for feminism or are they simply sexism in a different form?

It suggest there a re still sexism as females are still presented differently compared to men.

3) Choose three words/phrases from the glossary of the article and write their definitions on your blog.

Feminism – A movement aimed at defining, establishing, and defending women’s rights and equality to men.

Post-feminism – An ideology in culture and society that society is somehow past needing feminism and that the  attitudes and arguments of feminism are no longer needed.

Third wave feminism – Was a movement that redefined and encouraged women to be dominant and sexually assertive.

Now read The Theory Drop: Gender Performativity (MM69, page 25) and answer the following questions.

1) How does the writer suggest gender performativity is established from a young age?

From an early age, children are trained to conform to the gender norms, which helps them identify with certain preferences and actions that fit their gender.

2) What does the phrase 'non-binary' refer to and how does it link to Butler's theory?

The term "non-binary," which describes an individual who does not identify as exclusively male or female, is becoming more and more widely used. The pronoun "they," which is gender neutral, is gradually gaining popularity among younger people to refer to those who do not identify as "he" or "she." Additionally, media products targeted towards this demographic are dealing with LGBTQ issues in more transparent manner and featuring wider range of representations of different genders.

3) How and why does the media help reinforce gender stereotypes? The writer provides several examples in the final section of the article.

It's shown to suggest that some people are just born in a different generation so they struggle to understand the gender stereotypes,as they have been taught one thing since they were young so it has been normalised.

Music video analysis

Finally, write up our analysis of the two music videos we studied in class. This is your opportunity to develop your own opinions on these crucial media debates.

Watch the Beyonce video for ‘Why Don’t You Love Me?’ again: 

1) How might this video contribute to Butler’s idea that gender roles are a ‘performance’?

Beyonce is wearing less clothes in her music video and showing a lot of skin to show the audience how women are sexualized for the 'male gaze' and how women 'should' be portrayed.

2) What might van Zoonen suggest regarding the representation of women in this video?

That women are objectified and are just shown with less clothes and revealing more skin for the 'male gaze'.

3) What are YOUR views on this debate – does Beyonce empower women or reinforce the traditional ‘male gaze’ and oppression of women? 

I think Beyonce is trying to empower women as to show them they are very powerful and eve with heels on she was ceaing,to show she is capable of doing dangerous things and to show how women were forced to look good for their husband and how things should change.

Watch Will Jay's video for ‘Gangsta’ again:

1) How does the video suggest representations of masculinity have changed in recent years?

It has changed an how men don't need to all be strong and emotionless yet they can be themselves.

2) What does David Gauntlett suggest about representations of men in the media over the last 20 years?

That the male stereotypes have changed.

3) What is YOUR view on the representation of men and masculinity? Are young men still under pressure from the media to act or behave in a certain way?

I think some young men are still under pressure as the media portrays men as strong and as a hero,even though more females are being represents as 'heros',males still may be under pressure,however I think its decreased overtime as I think men are more expressive now,and take care of their mental health. 


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