Introduction to feminism: blog tasks


Introduction to feminism: blog tasks

Everyday Sexism

Watch the Everyday Sexism TED talk from Laura Bates (linked above) and answer the following questions:

1) Why did Laura Bates start the Everyday Sexism project?

She started the TED talk to state out how Women feel it is normal to get abused, or sexually abused by people; she started it to educate people especially Women.

2) How does the Everyday Sexism project link to the concept of post-feminism? Is feminism still required in western societies?

Every day sexism project links to post feminism as people talk about post feminism but there is no such thing as post feminism. This is because women do have more right then before but it is still not fair as they dont get treated the same and men to tend to have more power in certain scenarios.

3) Why was new technology essential to the success of the Everyday Sexism project?

This is because Women from all around the world could connect and share their stories, this proved that their were many females that wanted to share their story all over the world, and normalised for women to be treated as such objects. 

4) Will there be a point in the future when the Everyday Sexism project is not required? What is YOUR view on the future of feminism?

Hopefully, it wont be required but this world has a huge population and it take a long amount of time for people to change, but hopefully the amount of messages they receive will decrease and it wont be needed.

Media Magazine: The fourth wave?

Read the article: The Fourth Wave? Feminism in the Digital Age in MM55 (p64). You'll find the article in our Media Magazine archive here.

1) Summarise the questions in the first two sub-headings: What is networked feminism? Why is it a problem?

Where Women protest for year to collect their rights.

2) What are the four waves of feminism? Do you agree that we are in a fourth wave of ‘networked feminism’? 

The ‘first wave of feminism’ began in the late 19th to early 20th centuries, with a main focus on suffrage. The ‘second wave’ began in the 1960s, campaigning for the growth of equal rights and leading to the Equal Pay Act of 1970, amongst other equality laws. Since the late 1990s, we are believed to have entered the ‘third wave’ (often identified as post-feminism).
The new fourth wave of feminism is also known as ‘networked feminism'. Feminism’. it aims to tackle social equality issues found both on, and using, modern technology.

3) Focus on the examples in the article. Write a short summary of EACH of the following: Everyday Sexism, HeForShe, FCKH8 campaign, This Girl Can.

Everyday Sexism: It was a website that posted examples of sexism by users everyday.
HeForShe: This was Watson's campaign about gender equality.
FCKH8 campaign: The representation of girls and social inequalities they go through. 
This Girl Can: It was a fitness campaign for Women were they dont judge.

4) What is your opinion with regards to feminism and new/digital media? Do you agree with the concept of a 'fourth wave' of feminism post-2010 or are recent developments like the Everyday Sexism project merely an extension of the third wave of feminism from the 1990s?

I think through social media many people have been able to open up and share their experiences with many people around the world, I think every Women should get the right to share their thought and do what they want freely without getting judged, or by caring about the stereotypes.


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