Learner response blog tasks

 Learner response blog tasks

Create a new blog post called 'Advertising assessment learner response' and complete the following tasks:

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

WWW: Tharnika,very fair assessment considering you missed some lessons on the build up to this unit. Strong response for question with relevant theory to support.

EBI :For Q3,it was too descriptive of the advert and not enough focus on post colonial values.For Q1,revise advertising conventions.

2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment.

Q1:i should have wrote about Promise of irresistible appeal – ‘sex sells’ (common narrative in men’s grooming; Barthes’ action code).

Q2:I should have wrote more about the representation of women in the Score advert reflects the changing role of women in the1960s to some extent. This is no longer the stereotypical 1950s housewife but still a reductive, exploitative, objectified representation of women.
and i should have written more about the representation of female desire arguably reflects female empowerment/third wave feminism. Female sexuality places power with women rather than men.

Q3:I should have wrote  products that engages with the generally obvious or straightforward ideas about postcolonial ideas and how they relate to the CSP.  

3) Look at your answer and the mark scheme for Question 1 (Diamonds advert unseen text). List three examples of media terminology or theory that you could have included in your answer. 

4) Look at your answer and the mark scheme for Question 2. What aspects of the cultural and historical context for the Score hair cream advert do you need to revise or develop in future?

5) Now look over your mark, comments and the mark scheme for Question 3 - the 9-mark question on Sephora Black Beauty Is Beauty. List any postcolonial terminology you could have added to your answer here.  


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